Priority Area Lunch Assignments
Participants will gather in groups based on their priority areas for lunch to connect with professionals doing similar work. For example, there will be a room for student conduct professionals to eat lunch and network. Each room will have a facilitator to guide the group through discussion topics related to the opening and closing workshops and provide an opportunity for open discussion.
An assortment of boxed lunches will be available in the Great Hall at 12:45 p.m. After selecting your boxed lunch and drink, please take it to your respective rooms for lunch with your priority area.
Athletics | Club Sports
Lead Facilitators: Alex Sommer, The Ohio State University | Emily Murphy, The Ohio State University
Location: Student-Alumni Council Room, Second Floor
Conduct | Compliance
Lead Facilitators: Kelly Smith, The Ohio State University | Todd Kamenash, Kent State University
Location: Great Hall Meeting Room 3, First Floor
Prevention Organizations | Vendors
Optional space for prevention organizations and vendors to connect with one another
Location: Great Hall Meeting Room 2, First Floor
Senior Student Affairs Officers | Vice Presidents | Dean of Students | Government Affairs | Legal Affairs | Upper Administration
Lead Facilitators: Ryan Lovell, The Ohio State University
Location: Barbie Tootle Room, Third Floor
Sorority and Fraternity Life | Campus Based | Headquarters | National Volunteers
Lead Facilitators: Dr. Kim Monteaux De Freitas, The Ohio State University | Dr. Stacey Allan, Bowling Green State University
Location: Senate Chamber, Second Floor
Student Organizations | Colleges | ROTC | Performing Arts Groups | Honor Societies
Lead Facilitators: Lorraine Pennyman, The Ohio State University | Dr. Brian Heilmeier, Bowling Green State University
Location: Great Hall Meeting Room 1, First Floor
Student Wellness Centers | Prevention Educators
Lead Facilitators: Re'Nesha Weston, The Ohio State University | Ann Brandon, Ohio University
Location: Round Meeting Room, Third Floor
Quiet Working Space
Location: Rosa Ailabouni Room, Third Floor
Purpose: We recognize that the semester is starting in just a few weeks. We have two spaces available to attendees who need some quiet working time or want to connect about important issues on campus or in your organization.
Collaborative Working Space
Location: Suzanne M. Scharer Room, Third Floor
Purpose: We recognize that the semester is starting in just a few weeks. We have two spaces available to attendees who need some quiet working time or want to connect about important issues on campus or in your organization.
Educational Block and Lunch Details

Educational Block 1 | 10:20-11:20 a.m.

Educational Block 2 | 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Educational Block 3 | 1:55-2:55 p.m.