Anti-Hazing Education
The Ohio State University is committed to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment, where students are free from hazing. Hazing impedes the university’s vision of being the model 21st-century public, land grant, research, urban, community-engaged institution.
Ohio State prohibits hazing, and all members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from hazing. To enhance the safety and well-being of the Ohio State community and promote the university’s adherence to Collin’s Law: Ohio’s Anti-Hazing Act, all Ohio State employees and students are required to complete an anti-hazing educational module each academic year.
This online module educates members of the university community on how to define and report hazing, an imperative first step in creating a campus community free from hazing. This curriculum includes information about Ohio’s Anti-Hazing Act, known as Collin’s Law, which outlines criminal penalties for hazing and your possible requirements to report hazing to law enforcement. In addition, university policies and resources that address hazing, knowledge of how to intervene when hazing is occurring and how to report hazing are also covered.
After you have completed each section of the educational module, you will be provided with a knowledge check to complete before moving to the next section. You must view the entire module and complete all knowledge checks and the final assessment to complete the curriculum.
If you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the module, please contact
Student requirements
All students are required to complete the online module, “Collin’s Law and Anti-Hazing” annually. The interactive module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and is available in BuckeyeLearn. It will be assigned to every student’s To Do List in Buckeye Link from which it will be hyperlinked.
Collin’s Law requires new and current students to complete the module before participating in an organization recognized by or operating under the sanction of the institution. An organization shall not accept or initiate any person who has not completed the Collin's Law Anti-Hazing educational module. Therefore, students should complete the educational module before joining any organization or group. If you are a current member of an organization, you should complete the module immediately (as soon as possible).
The educational module will be assigned, via the To Do List in Buckeye Link, to new students and transfer students each semester.
Employee requirements
All employees: To promote a campus culture free of hazing, it is important for everyone to know how to identify and report hazing. Annually, all faculty and staff are required to complete Collin’s Law and Anti-Hazing education, online, through BuckeyeLearn. The educational module is entitled Collin’s Law and Anti-Hazing. The interactive course takes about 30 minutes to complete.
If you serve as an advisor, coach, consultant or volunteer to a student organization or student group, you may be asked to complete education specific to that role. This will be in addition to this course offered through BuckeyeLearn and is part of the university’s continuing efforts to eradicate hazing.
For more information, read the frequently asked questions.